So season 0, pretty fun, got drafted on a team with like literally 4 support players. So that means 2 of us are learning different roles, so it’s gonna be scuffed. I learned offlane and flexed with a pos 4 Lion/Techies puddle. I wanted to learn nontraditional offlaners which I kinda did with a Alch/Enigma/Lion and I forgot the third hero so I put Lion there instead. Then 7.29 came around and struck me in the knee with heavy nerfs and I didn’t really test out the patch with offlane because I was having too much fun with techies/lion changes/buffs and playing pos 5. So when it came to the series I… uhh really don’t know what to pick.
The team:
We were pretty much the Weiß Flügel Landsol Branch guild, filled with talented and weird members that some how goes together?
Pos 1- LooseMoose- I’m gonna blame Wee Lickman increasing my expectations of archon carry players. From the beginning, it was rough, I expected a lot out of my pos 1 but noticing that there’s a tendency to lose lanes and having to jungle and farming patterns aren’t really there, you did improve over the course of the season. I want to describe LooseMoose as a carry like a dog loose on a leash and that there will be times when I’ll call to get back and he kinda just goes ham and kills 3 people when I thought fight was looking bad. Overall I think he’s a fine carry player, motivated by the team. >Relax, you’re doing fine
Pos 2- Cryptic- There’s something I discover about Cryptic and that which I call, the rule of Cryptic: “In a game of Dota 2, Cryptic will always grief another person in the lane, it could his teammate or the enemy team”. Using this rule, There’s only one other person he can grief in the mid lane. Cryptic came out to be a cool midlaner a for the team with untraditional mid picks because it was forged by his pos 5 history. Cryptic is a fun person to be around and certainly would be griefed by him again.
Pos 3- yolksoup- I’m playing pos 1 next season that’s all I’m gonna say.
Pos 4- The Dude- Literally better pos 4 than me, We got the perfect duo of Cuh ES coaching and The Dude wanting to play Earth Spirit. He’s super chill, the best pos 4 the mid can ever ask for. Now I specified mid because he literally roams so much that I never felt I had a support in my lane but that’s ok, as long he repays me with stacks, I’m cool with it.
Pos 5- Aponzeus- This guy casts our games when dead (do this more xd) and makes funny jokes and reference whenever possible. He keeps us together and focused whenever my mental is going out the roof. His support skills are good especially his Lich and Grim. Apon is a way better drafter than most of us probably because how often he cast pro games and sees how they play.
Coach- Cuh- Cuh was our team coach, dedicated Earth Spirit grandmaster player, taught everything that wasn’t pos 3. So unlucky for me. He does replay and test review. Doesn’t really speak much but I wish I can use the coaching feature more. Cuh will convert your kids into Earth Spirit players 100%
Conclusion- Sad we lost, but seeing a student that we raise, roxy to defeat me in Fluffy Hat, well worth it. But you still haven’t beat the final boss. It’s been a really fun season and great learning experience with all of you. I’ll see you in the next if I am able to play.